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Investment in funds or discretionary portfolios managed by ACP are only available to institutional and other sophisticated investors capable of assessing and understanding the risks of investment into unregulated investment products and who have sufficient risk appetite to lose their complete investment without any recourse to a regulator or to rules protecting such investors and/or their investments. Any funds, discretionary investment products, or any other investment products referred to herein are not available to the general public or retail clients in any country.
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Amwal Capital Partners (“ACP”) is not licensed or authorised as a financial services provider in any jurisdiction. As an exempt Cayman Islands company limited by shares, ACP is exempt from the requirements of the Securities Investment Business Law (as amended) (the “SIB Law”). ACP relies on the exemption under Section 5(2) of the SIB Law. Section 5(2), by reference to the Fourth Schedule to the SIB Law, which provides for an exemption from the licensing requirements prescribed by the SIB Law for entities, that carry on "securities investment business" exclusively for one or more of the following classes of person: (a) a sophisticated person (as defined in the SIB Law); (b) a high net worth person (as defined in the SIB Law); or (c) a company, partnership or trust (whether or not regulated as a mutual fund) of which the shareholders, unit holders or limited partners are one or more persons who are a "sophisticated person" or a "high net worth person".
Any description of the investment management services and/or products referred to on this website should be considered for general information purposes only and shall not under any circumstances be considered as solicitation for investment, investment research and/or any investment advice. The terms and conditions applicable to individual investors dealing with ACP will be set out in the relevant information memorandum or contract provided to them subsequent to ACP having obtained the necessary confirmations from such investors that they qualify for such investment and not anything contained within this site.
Jurisdictional issues
Information displayed, embedded or linked to this website may contain information regarding ACP and investment products managed by it that may be interpreted by the relevant authorities in the country of your residence or the country from where you are viewing the website as a financial promotion. Accordingly the information on this website is only intended to be viewed by persons who fall outside the scope of any law that seeks to regulate financial promotions in the country of your residence or the country in which the website is being viewed. Examples of such persons may be governmental agencies, persons sufficiently experienced in investment business to appreciate the risks associated with investment services promoted on this site, large corporations and trusts and high net worth individuals. These examples are not country specific, may not be relevant to the country of your residence or the country in which the website is being viewed and are provided for illustration purposes only. If you are uncertain about your position under the laws of the country of your residence or the country in which the website is being viewed then you should seek clarification by obtaining legal advice from a lawyer practising in the country of your residence or the country in which the website is being viewed before proceeding.
The information provided and/or linked to this site, is not directed to any United States person, or any person in the United States, any state thereof or any of its territories or possessions. Also, the provision of information within this site does not constitute an offer to sell securities to any person in the United States or to any US person as such term is defined under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended. None of the interests discussed within the site have been, or will be, registered under the U.S. securities Act of 1933, as amended, or qualified under any applicable state statutes. None of the funds discussed within this site have been, or will be, registered under the U.S. Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended.
Certain information accessible on this site has been obtained from sources that ACP believes to be reliable as at the date of being presented on this website. ACP does not guarantee the accuracy of such information, its completeness, or that such information will not be changed. The information contained herein is current as of the date of issuance (or such earlier date as referenced herein) and is subject to change without notice. No express or implied warranties or representations is given as to the completeness or accuracy of information contained on this website and ACP has no obligation to update any or all information.
The contents of this website do not take into account individual investor circumstances, objectives or needs. No determination has been made regarding the suitability of any securities, financial instruments or strategies for any investor interested in the funds or products managed by ACP. The information does not purport to provide any legal, tax or accounting advice.
There are significant risks associated with an investment in funds, discretionary portfolios or investment products managed by ACP. There can be no assurance that any such fund, discretionary portfolio of investment product will achieve its investment objective and losses may be incurred. Each prospective investor should carefully review the information memorandum and contracts provided to them to carefully consider the risks before deciding to invest in any particular product.
ACP and its affiliates may make investment decisions that are inconsistent with the recommendations or views expressed herein, including for proprietary accounts of ACP or its affiliates. ACP and its affiliates may have investment advisory or other business relationships with the issuers of securities referenced herein. ACP and its affiliates, officers, directors and employees may from time to time have long or short positions in and buy or sell securities or financial instruments referenced herein. ACP or its affiliates may develop and/or publish research that is independent of, and different than, any recommendations that may be contained herein. ACP personnel, or personnel of its affiliates, such as sales, marketing and trading personnel, may provide oral or written market commentary or ideas to clients of ACP or its affiliates that may differ from the views expressed herein. |